Life is full of cycles - pay cycles, seasonal cycles, hormonal cycles, even women's menstrual cycles. Whether you are aware of it or not, there's a good chance your beauty and wellness rituals follow some kind of cycle, too. You probably have also noticed that at different times of the day, month or year, your hair and skin respond differently to certain products, treatments and seasons. Given that the moon rules the tides of the ocean. Humans are made of 60 per cent of water, therefore the moon has a huge effect on us, particularly the lunar phases. As the moon orbits the earth, it forces us to focus on aligning ourselves to different natural flows of the universe.
Whilst the sun sign represents our ego and motivations, the moon governs our emotional nature. The moon has an emotional and spiritual effect on us by illuminating things, helping us to release things and helping us to manifest things, but the moon also plays a role on a physical level and governs the cycles of cell growth and repair.
How To Find Your Moon Sign Chances are, you're already aware of your sun sign (a.k.a the zodiac sign the Sun was in when you were born). To find your moon sign - or the sign the moon was in when you were born - you'll need to find your birth chart on an astrology website (there are many free websites). For that, you'll need to know three things: Your birthdate, your birth time, and the locaiton of where you were born.
Nurturing Yourself Based on Your Moon Sign Ahh.. the magical world of celestrial skincare, all tailored to your moon sign. It's all about how you can take care of yourself and feel truly nurtured.
Aries Moon: Get Moving! Release that fiery energy with some kickboxing or dance class. Get your heart pumping and feel those emotions melt away. Finish off with a cup of YARD's Herbal Tea to calm and reflect after a spicy workout session.
Taurus Moon: Treat Yourself! Indulge in life's luxuries. Think bubble bath with YARD's Epsom Salts (coming soon), dry body brush and release dead skin cells, finishing with YARD's Sundari Body Oil.
Gemini Moon: Feed Your Mind: Keep that curious mind buzzing. Apply a YARD Face Mask, grab a gripping book, dive into an engaging convo, or start a journal.
Cancer Moon: Cosy up! Create your perfect cosy nook. Fill it with comforting things like crystals, books and YARD Incense (coming soon) and spend time with loved ones. A homely environment will make your heart sing.
Leo Moon: Shine Bright: It's all about pampering yourself! A YARD beauty treatment like YARD's Coffee Scrub can do wonders. Do things that boost your confidence and let your natural glow shine with YARD's Face Oil.
Virgo Moon: Organise Zen: Organise your beauty space and get your self-care routine in order! A tidy space and a new healthy habit will ground you. Attention to detail will calm and clear the mind. Burn YARD's Sage Smudge (coming soon) to clear the space for a new beginning!
Libra Moon: Balance and Beauty: Find your balance with yoga or meditation. Surround yourself with beauty - whether its in nature or making time for a luxurious, at-home facial cleanse with YARD's Ultimate Cleansing Balm. Harmony is your best friend.
Scorpio Moon: Dive Deep: Explore your emotions with some deep meditation or a good therapy session. Embrace your intensity and transform those deep feelings into something powerful. Add something new to your beauty routine like YARD's Crystal Gua Sha (coming soon).
Sagittarius Moon: Adventure Awaits: Satisfy your wanderlust! Take a day trip or try something new and exciting. But don't forget to apply YARD's Daily Moisturiser with natural SPF, first! Learning and exploring will fill your spirit with joy.
Capricorn Moon: Plan and Achieve: Set some self-care goals and stick to them. A solid routine will bring you peace and satisfaction. Bundle + Save on YARD's skincare.
Aquarius Moon: Connect and Create: Hang out with friends and host a tea ceremony. Engage in an activity that spark your creativity and intellect.
Pisces Moon: Dream and Create: Dive into your artistic side with painting, music or poetry. Spend time near water and mix up YARD's Face Mask with a new favourite ingredient of yours. Get creative!